Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Kind of Chocolate Are You

You Are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine, and valleys of frustration and failure.

Jennifer looked out of the window, and for the first time in the past seventeen years witnessed the beauty of the sun set. Within a few minutes the golden orb concluded its perambulation across the firmament and concluded into deep darkness. The feeling of sadness over took Jennifer once again.

She had seen the worst of times and the best of times in her life. At the age of 35 she had witnessed everything, she had been a daughter as well as a mother, a mistress as well as a lawfully wedded wife, a student and a teacher, she had been loved by all and had been hated alike. She had made friends with criminals as well as the elite. During the period of her happiness and success she seldom indulged herself into soul searching and that was the period when she had morally degraded the most. Her life was not all white or all black, it was marked with shades of grey, sometimes the devil succeeded in overpowering the angel and sometimes the angel had an ace up its sleeve.

At the age of 18 she had run away from her house and had come to New York. She was an aspiring journalist, naïve yet firm about making some changes in the world of journalism. With the help of a friend she was able to get a job as a junior assistant to the co-editor of New York Times. It took her two years to move to the position of the editor of the newspaper; she was engaged to the owner of the newspaper and made the most out of her position. Love is an emotion that she completely lacked, married at the age of 22 and pregnant right after that. Yet her soul aim was to make sure that in the process she gained full control of Dave’s life.

Her pretence lasted 17 years, one day under the influence of sedatives she spoke the truth, “ I compromised on my way to becoming the most powerful women in New York, I married a guy with no spine, yet today” after that moment the whispers converted to loud shouts and her voice got lost somewhere in the middle, “ after seventeen years I know for a fact that I did not make a mistake, because all this while I was truly in love with him, without even realizing it.”

The next morning hell let loose, the news was flashing all over. Dave and Jack were nowhere to be found. The phone rang and she hurried to answer it, “Oh god!!!!” and she broke down. Dave and Jack were dead. Road accident they had said, Jennifer knew they possibly could not have known about the news because they had gone trekking. The phone networks and the other signals were bad in that area so Jennifer knew they died in peace.

Cremation was a big event; almost every celebrity was present there. Jennifer was still rich and powerful and everyone in New York knew that, people gave their condolences but she saw their intruding eyes.

She returned to her apartment and looked out of the window, and for the first time in the past seventeen years witnessed the beauty of the sun set. Within a few minutes the golden orb concluded its perambulation across the firmament and concluded into deep darkness. The feeling of sadness over took Jennifer once again.

She looked at the bottle for two hours and finally drank the contents and went to bed. Next to the dead body the cops found a letter saying, I am not a woman of many words, in my lifetime I have been a fairly happy woman and here I lie in peace. I have lived my life to the fullest and now I wish to retire in peace.

Life is like topography, ######. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine, and valleys of frustration and failure. Jennifer lived through a lot of things, the period of realization of true love made her let go of a beautiful thing called life.

I do not know what took away her life, the intruding eyes of the people, Dave’s and Jack’s death, loneliness, people say when you are at the zenith of your achievements that’s the time when you stand alone, or was it just the feeling of betrayal towards Dave. Sometimes I think she was a coward for engraving death and sometimes I think she was too strong to take such a decision.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Being Independent ……………….

Today my brain is not formulated to exert itself. If my grey matter starts playing up I will be worn-out and my efficacy at my new job will droop. My first day in a new office, a component of my body seems sanguine about my performance, another component is as petrified as a pigeon (or chicken as I like to call it sometimes).

I am 22 and after three months of hard work in the present day I feel completely independent. Although there are some loopholes here and there, I am an alumni from one of the World’s finest universities (Queeen’s), with a master’s in HR from such a good university I am affiliated with an organization that has nothing to do with Human Resources or employee relations, what is more troubling is the fact that it is not by option but by chance, the employer looses his patience within fraction of seconds, he is a fine example of a guy who has riches but lacks etiquettes. People who know me well would be shocked to hear that I have started being submissive to life and circumstances. Gradually one learns that if you keep fighting with everything that comes your way, you loose out on a lot of beautiful moments that life has to offer.

Anyways I get my last month’s salary on the 5th and I will pay my rent from it and other expenses, I still have some money left from the last to last months salary. Today I am Independent enough to take care of my food, shelter and clothing. I still remember the first job that I had taken up, teaching, my fuel expense had been more than the salary I received.

I am content as of now, it has taken me 22 long years to reach where I am today. I am an Independent woman with an amazing fiancé who has all the time in the world to spare for me. Although we have tiffs and sometimes real bad ones but a part of me is always sure that things will be normal in fraction of seconds. Sitting at my office desk today I get the feeling of accomplishment. I feel like making my thank you speech and let all the people who have helped me reach this far know that I am content and I thank each one of them humbly. The matrons, the friends I made in boarding and the enemies too, all the auckyites, the house mistress, the principal, my folks, every single person who has met me has left a great impact on my life.